Thursday, May 18, 2006

Cold-2... or U-Play?

True confession time -- I'm not a fan of Coldplay. I know they've got their rabid fans and all, but I just haven't been impressed. I've read interviews with the members, and they seem cool and all. I'd hang with them if they asked me... Heh. But their music just doesn't do it for me... The first time I heard them, I thought, "Hmmm, sounds like U2."

That U2 label gets applied to Coldplay quite often. Heck, it gets applied to a lot of bands at one time or another -- early Radiohead even got some U2 comparisons. But Coldplay seems to be one of the few bands making a career out of that specific sound.

Before you ask, yes, people have loaned me Coldplay CDs. And before you ask again, yes, I have listened to them. In fact, some of my friends are such rabid Coldplay fans that I have questioned myself extensively on this: "Am I just missing it? Well, I'll give them one more chance..." I've given Coldplay quite a few one-more-chances, and it still doesn't appeal to me, and I still hear some U2 in there... My friends get frustrated and tell me that it doesn't sound like U2, but I can't help but hear it.

So now, I offer irrefutable evidence of the Coldplay-U2 connection (Well, irrefutable in that it actually happened)... I was in Baja Fresh today, and had placed my order and was waiting in line to get some iced tea. Coldplay's "Speed of Sound" was playing over the speakers, and the guy getting his drink was singing to it. But here's the deal: he was singing the chorus to U2's "It's a Beautiful Day" on top of it... It worked, and I don't even think he noticed the difference.

Ladies and gentlemen of the music-listening jury, this is evidence that Coldplay is generic U2. The prosecution rests...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would I be a snob if I said Coldplay is sort of like music for people who don't care (and want to pretend to care) about music?


7:22 PM  

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