Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Smith Vs. Smiths

This is more of a discussion than an entry, but I post it anyway.

I once heard someone say, "You're either kind of a Smiths person or a Cure person." I certainly found this to be true. For years, I was a Cure kind of guy, but lately, I've been more into the Smiths. Is the rivalry between the two still relevant?

"I eat meat everyday because Morrissey says, 'don't eat meat," Robert Smith said, "and I hate Morrissey."

Obviously the fued between the two is ongoing (A quick search of the web brings up a few sites devoted solely to the two), but as far as fans go, has it kind of died out?

Or, more importantly, who's better?

Case for the Cure:
1. More heart--Morrissey almost too smug at times, while the Cure, has a certain amount of believeability and honesty to the lyrics, even if Robert Smith has been happily married for about 30 years.

2. Better music--The epic feel of Cure records (especially in the mid-late '80s) is way better than the singles band feel of the Smiths.

Case for the Smiths:
1. Funny as hell--Morrissey turns a phrase better than anyone. Often, the humor alllows the band to be more self-aware and post-modern than the more romantic Cure.

2. Great singles--For a few minutes of good pop bliss, the Smiths are hard to beat--great guitar, good lyrics and really nice chorus breaks.



Blogger Steve said...

I'll be weighing in with my choice during this "my favorites" series... It won't be long...

My question is this: Robert Smith and Morrissey meet in a dark alley for Fight Club. Which one wins?

8:08 AM  

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