Monday, April 10, 2006

All Tommorow's Parties

After a lengthy hiatus, I offer proof that the rumors of my departure were greatly exaggerated.

Sitting on my desk right now are four very different discs. The first is Velvet Underground and Nico, then The Weight is A Gift by Nada Surf. Below these two gems are Electriclarryland by the Butthole Surfers and Return To The Sea by Islands.

What is the commonality between these four great albums?


All of these albums are great for different reasons. Nada Surf's power-pop is nearly spotless, the Velvets are dirty, dirty, dirty, and Islands' sound like Paul Simon if he played keyboards and lived in Montreal. And the Surfers, well, they're just insane. While all three discs share the commonality of being indie-rockish records, they reinforce two things

1. Music is a wonderful being that can offera sound to fit any mood, emotion or intellectual thought.

2. I buy too many CDs.

That's all for now, a very nonsensical post extolling the virtues of music, but look for more later on the wonderful-slipped-through-the-cracks-record The Weight is a Gift by Nada Surf. Until then, "Shout it out Loud."


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