Sunday, May 14, 2006

1000th issue of Rolling Stone

Got the new Rolling Stone in the mail the other day, and I positively love the cover. It's one of those pieces of art that has so much detail, and every time you look, you see something new... I was especially excited to see the good Dr. Hunter S. Thompson as a demon opposite Kurt Cobain's angel, plus the gonzo fist embedded in the background. Bravo, Rolling Stone, and congrats!

I've been reading Rolling Stone for over 20 years now (Geez, I'm full of old-fart comments lately), and while I'm not a fan of the annual Hot Issue (lame, leave that crap to your sister publication Us Magazine), I still enjoy much of the music coverage. But Rolling Stone has really come alive with their political coverage in recent years. I think Wenner got a little complacent in the Clinton years, and Rolling Stone's political coverage suffered as a result. But Bush pissed him off somewhere along the way, and Rolling Stone is raising hell once again.

Thanks for some great reading over the years... Here's to the next 1000 issues...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been digging the Rolling Stone politics lately, except for last issue, where had the "Worst President Ever" essay, which in my opinion was hisotrically and journalistically irresponsible. I can't wait to see the cover.

4:02 PM  

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