Tuesday, February 06, 2007

The American music business and its ineptitude...

This is old news, but in an interview with Playboy Magazine (probably why I missed it) last month, American Idol's something-or-other Simon Cowell (Giving him a title would make it appear that I care) said that Bob Dylan's music bored him to tears, and that the old folk troubador would never make it on "American Idol."

Okay, so there's enough absurdity in that quote that I really don't feel I even need to comment on it. If you're reading this blog, chances are you also thought Clay Aiken's "Invisible" was the creepiest song this side of the Partidge Family. So, I'm not even going to waste my breath on why Dylan is superior to anything on Idol. It's like putting the '86 Mets up against the '92 Mets. Sorry, baseball season is approaching... The '92 Mets were awful.

Even more troubling are Cowell's comments about Kelly Clarkson, who is referred to as a "young Aretha Franklin." Now, I like Kelly Clarkson alright, she worked at the same Borders I did, albeit years before, and her more rocky-pop songs are tolerable, even if "Since U Been Gone" did steal a riff from the Yeah Yeah Yeah's "Maps."

Aretha Franklin was a completely developed piano player at the age of five.

Kelly Clarkson likes to bowl at the Euless Main Event.

I rest my case.


Blogger Steve said...

I have a confession to make, and it's embarrassing on multiple levels. I watched American Idol for the first time the other night.

Here's the reaction of some of my friends and family: "That was the first time you've seen American Idol?"

Here's the reaction of the rest of my friends and family: "Steve watched American Idol?"

American Idol is mostly about Christina Aguilera-type vocal gymnastics and how the contestant looks. I felt sorry for the contestants who were willing to debase themselves for a minute of fame.

Of course, everyone expects instant fame these days... Can't work for it, because that's too hard.

As you can probably tell, I have many problems with American Idol.

10:37 AM  
Blogger Steve said...

They should have let you get drunk before, so you could be Paula... ;-)

2:25 PM  

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